High School Girls and the Technovation Challenge

How do we get more women in computer science? App Inventor may be part of the answer.

This year’s Iridescent Technovation Challenge has expanded to NYC and Socal along with the Bay area. This is a program where high school girls spend two nights a week learning app development and entrepreneurship, aided by college students and young professionals. NYC’s program was featured in a PC Magazine article. Three USF students– Jenny Horowitz, Julia Cahill, and Melody Garcia–  are instructors at the San Francisco Challenge taking place at Google’s SF offices.

Girls at the NYC Technovation Challenge

The nation-wide finals are May 21 in the Bay Area. I’ll be there!


2 Responses

  1. […] techie. It hurts kids and schools, and outfits like Iridescent, who use App Inventor in their Technovation after-school programs for high school girls, and Youth Radio’s Mobile Action Lab, which teaches app building to kids in Oakland California. […]

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